Welcome to the Kids’ Page of the Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation Area!
That’s a bit of a mouthful, but basically we want to tell people all about what amazing animals and plants live in and around this special place so that we can all help to look after it.
Help marine life
What about trying to do your bit to help protect our marine life?
The seas are huge – and so are the problems facing marine life. What can one person do to make a difference?
Well, if everyone does even a little bit to help, we will have a better world and will be able to enjoy all that the sea gives us.
See if you can tick off as many of these actions when you’ve done them – see if you and your family can do the 10 things to help marine life and don’t forget to let us know if you manage to do them all!
Seashore code
Learn to Sail
Did you know that you can learn to sail on the Helford or on Trevassack Lake with the Children’s Sailing Trust?